I'm starting to think my brain is as hollow as a dried up coconut and I have nothing interesting to say or worthy of sharing. My dear Isabelle, is of course, taking up much free time and getting me off the computer which I think is very healthy. I think of my fellow RescueGirls, however, and I want to keep in touch and keep sharing! So here is the latest (in no particular order). I'm slowly finishing up Yoga to the Rescue #4 iPhone/iTouch app. I'm thankful to have this low-overhead option in this bare bones economy. My last printing of yoga decks cost $36,000 (gag!) and rolling a yoga app out costs nothing, but cleverness and time and I certainly have some of that! I may not even print my second yoga book which I'm working on, too. I may just do this digital stuff for awhile. I do love paper though and collect all sorts of nifty paper when I travel, from envelopes to ticket stubs, so I think I'll always be printing some RescueGirl bling onto paper!
I've been enjoying my summer a little too much. My husband, Bryan, has discovered how to make these amazing tiki drinks with rum. I'm calling him a mixologist instead of a musician now. Basically, alcohol is a poison, so whenever I drink it I feel guilty and apologize to my liver; I also load up on Milk Thistle which is a miracle helper for our precious livers.
I also must confess, I'm obsessed with my mini trampoline and yoga (for the time being) has taken a back seat. Why a mini trampoline? I created a set of healthy flash cards a while back and I made one of them all about bouncing. Bouncing is a wonderful way for your one-way valve lymphatic system to get rid of toxins that build up in the body. I read so much amazing stuff about bouncing (my favorite, it tightens skin!) that I went out and bought my trampoline. I also have to be very frank, just 5 minutes of bouncing on a trampoline is the equivalent of 15 minutes of jogging and to me this is music to my ears. I learned this tidbit from one of my favorite health gurus, Gillian McKeith, from the show, You are What You Eat. A show that makes you throw the donut in the trash and drink kale juice. Here is a copy of the Bouncing flash card I created.
And here's just a quick blurb on the benefits of trampolining: http://ezinearticles.com/?The-Trampoline---Incredible-Health-Benefits&id=133206
Oh, and I forgot to mention one of the best things about bouncing up and down...it reminds you to not take life so seriously and to let your inner child out!
Have a happy, bouncy weekend!