We all need a boost of energy and sanity during the holiday season....
I don't know about you, but my mom has been baking cookies like a Keebler elf (only much better tasting) and I'm finding my energy dropping like a lead balloon because I'm tasting each one of them more than once! Thank goodness for the Spinal Roll, doing this simple yoga movement is a good morning wake up and also a good nightcap for relaxing before bed. It is also a cheap way to get a massage on your spine...perfect for a recession.
I love the fact that it is so simple a child or gorilla could do it (and they often do!). It is also great for keeping our bodies youthful, a must for those of us pushing 40 or past it.
Here is how to do it:
1. Sit at the end of a well padded surface (thick carpet, exercise pad, folded blankets, a bed of marshmellows-anything to cushion your spine).
2. Bend your knees and clasp your hands under them.
3. Bend your head forward.
4. Keep your spine rounded and gently roll back and forth (straighten your legs a bit as you swing back and then bend them again as you swing forward--this will keep you rolling!).
Don't roll back too far on your neck and don't rock too slowly.
Do the spinal roll 4 to 6 times, then stop and lie down on your back and take a few deep breaths. Notice how invigorated your spine feels.
Here are a few of the Benefits from this marvelous and fun exercise:
- Massages ALL the vertebrae in your neck and spine.
- Makes the spine more flexible, lively, and youthful.
- Washes away morning drowsiness and stiffness.
- Relaxes the whole nervous system-great for insomnia!
Illustrations from my upcoming Christmas iphone app, YogaBeauty.