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"Embrace your individual beauty and love your total package!" the bedrock, the cornerstone, the mantra of RescueGirl and today I feel like a hypocrite. The only thing I'm embracing lately is coconut cake and loving the total package of Cheez-its...did I just say Cheez-its? So the mantra is a bit faint in my ears this week, but I can still hear it and that is a good thing. Life is good.

Whenever I eat a little too much of the wrong thing(s) I have a wonderful little healing miracle that I'd like to share with you. Sipping hot water throughout the day is a miraculous healing, balancing, and weight loss tool. It improves your metabolism, digestion, and assimilation and cleanses the body of impurities. It also reduces food cravings!!! Recipe: Boil pure spring water for 10 minutes (helps reduce kapha quality and energizes the water). Take a few sips every 30 minutes throughout the entire day until about 8pm. Carry a thermos with you if you buzzing about all day.

I just had a few sips of my hot water and it is amazing how it balances my body and mood. If you want to learn more about this Ayurveda mini miracle, "The Ageless Woman" by Nancy Lonsdorf, M.D. is a pretty cool book, but you can Google it and find some great info, too.