Can you Change a Bad Habit?
I think this chart is not only cute, but a pleasantly appealing way to begin to change a bad habit. Click graphic or click here for full size printable chart. I just printed this out and put it on my fridge. I'm going to try and change one of my lesser vices—staying up late. I often stay up until 2am contemplating the universe, worrying, watching movies etc. When I go to bed early (10pm), I wake up refreshed, the day seems much longer, and by joe I get more done! Also between the magical hours of 11pm and 2am your liver and other important organs are busy detoxing, so if you're watching Tales From The Crypt (like me) at 2am, you are really doing a disservice to your body and spirit. So download this chart and see if it helps you get rid of a bad habit. I wish you much luck!